Wednesday 27 August 2014

Choose Perfect Hair for Weddings in DC.

Once you identify the shape of your face, you can now choose which hairstyle flatters the shape of your face then hire a professional to make sure you get a perfect Hair for Weddings in DC. Your hairstyle can definitely make a difference on how you would look on your wedding day. When choosing your wedding hairstyle, always consider the shape of your face. If you still don’t know the shape of your face, trace the outline of your face using a lip liner or an eyebrow pencil. Check what shape appears.

Round Face
To add length to your face and minimize the width, go for high wedding up-dos. Let a few wisps of hair frame your face. If you want to wear your hair down, go for long or wavy locks to add length to your face and lessen the width of your face. Side-swept bangs also look great on a round face.
Hair for Weddings in DC1
Heart Shaped Face
If you have a heart-shaped face then you have broad foreheads and narrow are around the chin. To fill the jawline you can go for a texturized bob. If you want to wear your hair up then go for a slightly off-center part with the addition of braids that look like a crown.

Hair for Weddings in DC2
Exposing your ears can also add more width to your face and show off your cheekbones. To see more styles of Hair for Weddings in Washington DCGo for a classic top knot. The bun should be placed at the back part of the head to avoid adding length to the face. You can also go for long-side sweeping curls to add more width to your face and to give an illusion of roundness.

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